E.A.G.L.E. business-coaching-and-consulting approach

Phase 1: Diagnosis

Is a topic not progressing despite investing a lot of time and energy into it?

At the end of this phase, you will be able to clearly identify the real causes of the problem and their priorities as well as human resources, and from this you will be able to set achievable goals.

Where do you primarily start to initiate change?

Does it start with strategic realignment? Or investments in controlling tools? Or in marketing and sales? Or in digitalising processes? Or in optimising internal communication or in conflict management?

Which priority do you focus on next?

Many causes and effects need to be successfully managed simultaneously and across departmental boundaries. Above all, you will need time for this.

Especially for SMEs: where are you supposed to find this time in the middle of hectic daily business?

E. valuation and A. scertainment:
You get the picture!

Businesses are complex and interactive. Stagnation is most likely only a symptom, and the real cause lies elsewhere. And it usually has to do with the human factor.

I normally spend a few days in the company to conduct interviews with key people or to take part in internal meetings. During this process, I do two things:

  • I take note of the factual issues and consider the long-distance effects and interactions with other areas.
  • I discern the people behind it, their needs, their way of communicating and the firmly held “positions”.

Furthermore, I have a very powerful planning and control software at my disposal.

I can import the accounting journals and cost centres and simulate different scenarios with your figures.

Based on the analysis, you will receive an assessment of whether the primary need for action is at the strategic or operational level, what part the human component plays in this situation and what basic options are available for action.

Here are some case studies to illustrate the possible hidden causes or interactions.

It is only our struggle for the “right” interpretation of the facts and the critical examination of the results of my analysis that makes it possible to identify the true causes and interactions in your company.

Articles (selection)

8 Min.You may have overlooked a particularly important component: The right way to deal with uncertainty when planning your path to your goal.

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Businessman torn between being positive or negative

17 Min.Being constructive and solution-oriented is “in”. People who point out problems really have a hard time. In this article, I would like to take a stand for them.

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7 Min.Entrepreneurship without a turnover increase and growth is unthinkable, but the usual instruments for implementation are useless and the right ones are missing!

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